You Might Have Dyslexia

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month – Is dyslexia affecting you?
Five to fifteen percent of Americans have dyslexia, and 780 million people globally may have
some form of it. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and the more you know and understand
about dyslexia as a disability, the better equipped you can be if you or someone you know has

Breaking it down, one in every thirty students could have dyslexia. Dyslexia can manifest itself
in many different ways, but it most greatly impacts reading. When reading, someone with
dyslexia sees words and letters mixed around, which can cause confusion.

Where does dyslexia come from?
Dyslexia can be genetic, and if you think you or your child has dyslexia, you may want to look
into your family history. Do you have family members with neurodiversity? It’s possible that they
had dyslexia and were misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all, but disliked reading or school in

How is dyslexia diagnosed?
Being a neurological condition, it cannot be diagnosed with a quick or simple test. It can take a
combination of assessments from professionals and observations from teachers and family;
however, it can be diagnosed as young as 5.5 years old.

Can it be cured?
While it is not “curable,” someone with dyslexia can receive brain training and brain-based
reading instruction to help them become stronger readers. At BrainFitU, our brain training
programs include:
● Recognizing letters by shape
● Connecting letters to speech sounds
● Sounding out words while reading
● Spelling and vocabulary
● Reading comprehension skills

Reading skills can be strengthened, and students can overcome the challenges having dyslexia presents. If you think your child may have dyslexia, it’s important to get them the help they need as soon as possible. The earlier the student receives brain-based reading instruction, the easier it is to make a life-changing impact.

At BrainFitU, we identify, target and strengthen the cognitive skills that make all learning faster and easier, while also tailoring the brain-based reading program to the needs of each student, including different types of dyslexics.